Move Agency

My job involved working on many projects. I got to design complicated UX flows and interesting UI designs. Since Move has a broad range of customers, the projects change from time to time. At one moment, you are deep down the rabbit hole of working out a complex UX flow that helps users find their way around one of the biggest airports in the USA, and at another moment, you are designing a tasty app to help people eat more healthily.

Sometimes, the projects had challenging parts. The one for the USA's airport was tough, but it taught me to find smart solutions and solve problems. Getting through these tough times made me feel proud and more experienced. You often don't think about wayfinding in airports, but once you take a dive into the UX of this issue, you realize it is a lot harder to find a UX solution for an airport with multiple floors and stay in the current branding. Luckily, with some help from the team, I managed to find a good solution.

Besides the UX-heavy projects, I was also responsible for some more UI-heavy projects. Among all the projects I worked on, two of them stood out the most for me: one was for a public transport company in the USA, and the other was for a market-leading company in the Dutch meal prepping business. Both companies have one thing in common: a large target group, so the design needs to be accessible to all the users.

Despite the fact that Move is mainly focused on mobile apps, for the public transport company, we were hired to design a new website. During this process, I was responsible for many important pillars, from visualizing the site map to researching the best practices to a final prototype.

The public transport process

In my last months at Move, my focus was primarily on the discovery phase of a new project. Alongside the senior designer, I took on responsibility for several crucial components, including best practices, wireframes, current app research, and MVP scoping. This project was particularly notable for me because it provided insights into how a senior designer approaches various challenges. I gained valuable knowledge and learned extensively from his expertise.

Discover the meal prepping process

The team at Move really helped me level up my design skills. I picked up cool tips on starting a perfect design system, making my designs user-friendly for people with disabilities, and even had some fun diving into 3D design. Long story short, my time at Move Agency set me up nicely for whatever comes next.

"Sander rocked it as a junior UX designer this past year. Quickly picking up the trade, his love for structure and perfection helped set up design systems and tackle complex projects for international clients. Alongside his creativity and tech skills, he even dived into 3D design with Spline. Adapting smoothly to project changes and tight deadlines, he navigated the agency world like a pro!"

Valerie Nusman
Lead designer @ Move Amsterdam

"I've had the pleasure of working with Sander on a pitch for a new client. It was his first "pressure cooker" project, which means we designed very polished and presentable designs in a very short timeframe. While Sander and I worked in different locations, Sander was willing to travel to Zwolle multiple times to be involved in the project. I've come to know Sander as a designer with a solid foundation and eagerness to learn. I look back on a successful project and collaboration."

Jos Vredeveld
Senior designer @ Move Zwolle

"I experienced my collaboration with Sander as very pleasant. Sander is proactive and likes to think about how he can solve technical challenges through UX."

Bryan Gunther
Android Developer @ Move Amsterdam