On The Spot

At the start we defined a design challenge: "How can I reduce the social disconnection between people aged 18 to 25 using music and an interactive (digital) product?". During my graduation the Covid pandemic was at one of its peaks, this was a good source of inspiration for me.

At the outset, we established a design challenge: "How can I reduce the social disconnection between people aged 18 to 25 using music and an interactive (digital) product?". It's worth noting that my graduation coincided with a peak in the Covid pandemic, which served as a significant source of inspiration for me during the project.

The "On The Spot" feature is like an icebreaker for social meet-ups. You use the app to find your way to the meeting place and discovering music you might like on the way. This music goes into your own playlist. When you get to the meeting spot, you can share the songs through a public hotspot. Everyone who joins the hotspot can listen to the music. Now, you and the others have something in common – your incredible taste in music

Take a look at the prototype

Read the Design Rationale